Shaping a smart connected environment with computer vision

The current ambition shared by those who deal with innovation and new technologies is certainly that of being able to shape the environment in such a way as to make it intelligent, data-rich, interactive, fluid and user-friendly.
The environment we are talking about here is a field in which virtual and real are not separated but totally integrated.

When technology connects virtual environment and real environment

This ideal environment, shaped by technology, is conceived as a space within which human behavior is interpreted according to models related to neuroscience and cognitive psychology.

Let us talk about a concept already known in 2005 as Ambient Intelligence, which then found its natural evolution in the Internet of Things and Computer Vision.
Can we summarize all this with the concept of Context Awareness?
Surely, the ultimate goal is to comprehend the environment, identify specific events and generate contextual content and experience.

Event detection and contextual content.

Algorithms that will be able to establish a relationship between object, environmental situations, space and person can interpret properly encoded (real or virtual) events.
These events can be of extreme simplicity, such as detecting the presence of a person or object in a specific space or their absence at a particular time and under a particular condition.

Computer vision allows to design scalable information architectures that have the advantage of being able to monitor and manage events in an automated but at the same time personalized way.

This is possible because computer vision and Iot are based not only on the knowledge of the environment but also on the knowledge of the dynamics of interaction between man, environment and objects and are aimed at determining systems compatible with natural forms of behavior.

The technology that connects objects and people

The key point remains the way in which man processes information from the environment and also from objects and how its representations turn into reactions to stimuli or interactions.

Computer vision and IoT cannot disregard the way humans perceive spaces and objects, the way they store information, takes decisions or responds to a specific problem but to access this knowledge, technology should be integrated with natural experience.

AI and IoT are based on miniaturized technologies and hardware that can be perfectly integrated with objects and furnishings, and are therefore particularly suitable for environments such as showrooms and shops. The fact that technology is not visible (technology Hidden approach) means that people do not necessarily have to be aware of it or learn how it works. This point becomes very important to preserve the natural experience.



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