How Artificial Intelligence can improve marketing strategies

Artificial intelligence is seeing its application in multiple contexts and at different stage of the customer journey or life cycle of a product or service. The AI finds its specific application in both digital and retail making the strategic approach based on the customization of the service more and more effective.

Artificial intelligence makes possible to analyse the context in which users or consumers act.
Behavior Interpretation can be a useful tool to manage targeted marketing actions with a segmented approach. Constant measurements and evaluations permit to act in real time or to make corrective action in the sales or communication strategy.

Let’s see some areas of application of AI

Artificial intelligence as a tool for marketing automation

Social media marketing and web marketing can take several advantages from using AI.
In fact AI can help in
- isolating and segmenting high-value micro-audiences, leading A/B testing or look-alike testing
- carrying out automated implementation of specific promotion initiatives in high conversion potential clusters
- optimizing investment management and avoiding non-strategic audiences

The use of AI in web marketing represents an approach that definitively archives a modus operandi now anachronistic, an approach that we could define "spray and pray" and that is based on a massive and repeated exposure of the message. Today we are talking more and more about ROAS because the control of spending and the measurement of each marketing action are now fundamental because the behavior of the audience is increasingly omnichannel and multichannel.

Artificial intelligence as a retail tool

If the adoption of AI in the digital field helps to segment audiences and to refine marketing strategies, AI in retail can be a tool to improve the service and reduce costs. The adoption of AI-based technologies for retail is among the most concrete strategies in those sectors that see an advantage as a direct return on investment and as an innovation applied to processes.
The adoption of AI in Retail can help in
- identifying the products more attractive or which may be related to other products on the basis of customer interests, events or behavior
- optimizing warehouse management
- Understanding the most effective promotion strategies and increasing margins
- identifying patterns of consumption or correlations between products and carrying out automated marketing actions in real time
- reducing fraud cases and increasing security levels of payments.

The large-scale adoption of AI in retail must therefore be inscribed in a broad vision and integrated with the business strategy. On the contrary, artificial intelligence as a pure tool for improving experience or engagement is a strategy that can hardly be adopted on a large-scale because there is no direct and immediate impact on ROI.



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